Jan Hooks

is coming through to me. Sbe is another 1 gone before her time. She is telling me that she was tormented to death and that the luciferians were well aware that she was not really on their side. She is echoing that many were cleared off the chessboard in D’s big campaign to force us into World War 3. Everyone needs to know it really is her behind human trafficking, war making, terrorism and monolithic global theft. She is responsible. Anyone behaving like her is the problem. Anyone who looks the other way about her crimes because she cuts them MOSSAD checks is the problem.

Jan is instructing me to put the video below up and to watch it.


Our synastry backs up that we fight mafia abuse through comedy.

The worst people are going to continue to destroy the lives of the most cherished as long as the luciferians maintain their power and get to make the rules. Only unity - standing as 1 against mafia abuse together can get us free.