Can you figure out the identity of this man?
BOY = 267 = 15 = Get The Word Out = 6 = Love
MAN = 415 = Big Revolution Of Understanding = 10 = Pay Attention
What’s happening in the song above? Sounds like some secret society operators are having a lot of trouble sparking that World War they are so hot to get going. Isn’t that what everyone is always saying about D?? That she works night a day to set up World War 3 and that we are trying our best to stop her but she is still managing to murder way too many. We need to stop her.
When I was in high school, I lacked training in tennis and I ended up in the role of first single player. While I could win against the girls around me, I could not win against the First Single Player at the other schools - she had the best training. So I spent the whole season crying. I was sacrificed by that coach and she admitted it.
We’re talking about fourth rate high school tennis. I was told I was sacrificed about it. This high school coach just so happened to have a flashy gold Rolex and a brand new Volvo. How could I not know there was some kind of insane conspiracy around me?
The 1 with the best training who should’ve been First Single Player was put into First Doubles where she always won.
When I was continually being set up like this throughout my unfortunate life I would ask God why I always got the abuse and torment?? Why I was always excluded?? He would tell me, “You are gold tried in fire”.
I still ask God WHY??
He says it’s to strengthen me for what is coming later. He will not put me into a role until I am strong enough for it.
Suffering is the path to strength.
This is what I mean when I say that D had everything handed to her because she was always so willing to go along with evil if it put her on top.
Now D is that first single player who cannot win against her opponents. She is being set up just like my tennis coach did to me?? Time will tell.