Bernie Sanders

Is telling me what I’m saying is unfortunately correct. He is NOT a luciferian. He is trying to change the system from within.

Bernie is telling me he believes that I am the Moshiach.

Bernie is saying it all right there. Not me. US.

It turns out I do know Bernie well. I am very sorry for when I misunderstood him. I can say that he is a hundred percent for real change. He is doing what he can from within the system and he is 1 of the people protecting me. I know this.

The great news is we already have fantastic leaders and we agree about everything. The terrible news is that D - this monster from Canada - is running the world right now. She is terrified of getting caught so what does this Lucifer in a dress do?? She makes the world even more of a prison. So we are all waiting here STUCK so D can round up more orphans that she creates to torture to feed to banking vampires.

D is the biggest problem in this world right now. She must be removed from power. When this power vacuum is created, we can all as 1 moved forward to give what we have been promising.

We can give everything we are promising if we can get D out of power. That is the only way to the future.

Our synastry clearly indicates we are culture, religion and regime catalysts.

The verdict is in. We’ve got fantastic leaders ready willing and able to step forward who can and will deliver if and when we can get that power vacuum.