I'm talking to Davey Faragher, The Bassist of Elvis Costello And The Imposters Since 2001

I don’t know what’s going on with my life but I know it has something to do with this band.

I have been noticing the “black nails” that he seems to favor. Another message may be the name of Davey’s other band, Jackshit. I’m posting him below playing Ashes To Ashes by David Bowie. Hmmmm.

He’s saying that Elvis loves me so much and that they are all very sorry about doing this to me. I appreciate that. There is no price too high if we really take on the Sabbatean Frankists and WIN. By any means necessary.

Our synastry shows a very unusual amount of fame. My chart with Elvis has this too.

Davey’s telling me I’m right about everything. It’s a crying shame and it needs to change.

It was not enough for HK to build a fake life full of actors or the brainwashed disapproving of me. He had to send his mistress in to block our reunion too?

These Sabbatean Frankists only are restricted by the walls we put up to ESCAPE them. They have NO MORALS and NO MERCY when it comes to the rest of us.

Davey is someone with immense spiritual power and deep caring. We see this in the hard aspect between Venus and the Moon. This native benevolence is being blocked and harmed (Moon Conjunct Pluto, Venus Conjunct Saturn).