Legend Charles Sexton

I’ve heard Elvis say when there is something particularly difficult to play on guitar, “that is what Charlie is for”.

“She does nothing but torture and harass us and then she demands that Elvis tell the world how much he loves her and how splendid she is. She commands the system so all we can do is what we are doing. If anyone fits the description here, she should GET AWAY FROM US NOW.”

“We are all in the same boat. We are all trapped until we learn how to get this insane parasite away from us.”

Same story from everyone. Elvis is the 1 that brought me this story. I was shocked and still am that anyone could be this bad but everyone is saying it’s true and no one is denying it. Still not 1 fan sticking up for her. D’s staff - full of people undermining her out of contempt.

Charlie is 1 from Texas and I’ve noticed Texans really are up for embracing conflict. Our synastry shows warriors combating slavery.

Charlie’s chart reflects his intense supernatural presence. He is on a mission to end slavery. Whatever D is doing over there, it is creating such anguish and rage that I want her to know it’s all returning right back at her greatly amplified. We will all focus on commanding her out of our lives NOW.