From the other side: Brandon Lee

He’s telling me he was asphyxiated. He’s not the first 1 coming through to me from the other side saying they were “helped” to the other side in this manner. Chris Farley told me this as well.

Want to know why celebrities don’t speak out more, it’s because they are murdered and the assassins like D own the system so they make up a story of their choosing and they escape capture in this manner.

Brandon is someone who seems like a close friend even though I have never met him and he’s “passed”. Whether the person is alive or dead, they come through exactly the same. Like someone talking on the phone that I know.

Our people on the other side seem very interested in earthly matters. Many want to make their point about how they are STRONGLY against the Sabbatean Frankists. This group is exceptionally murderous and there is no future on earth unless the population unites against them. Since they own the system, their power can only be checked in this manner.

Brandon says his death was a mafia setup because he was not submissive enough to the horror of their endless heinousness. They must be overthrown. There is no future or even dignity on earth until the population becomes sufficiently spiritually competent to know the correct way to unite against these insane monsters.