Clare Bronfman is telling me I was being thrown at the wrong people before.

Now I’m getting the story right. Clare says she’s another empath framed and trapped by the mafia. She did not want to do D’s crimes for her but she had no choice. She was always on God’s side.

I’m very sorry to Clare for misunderstanding her intentions. She is being neutralized and framed by D for operations that come from her.

Elvis complains to me frequently that D is doing the same exact thing to him. We all want her AWAY FROM US NOW!!

D has the system behind her. She can authorize psyops to frame us. She can pick up the phone to lock her captives up in jail if they don’t do her crimes for her. She can harass us by shutting down our ability to get money and therefore food. D is the Sabbatean Frankist menace incarnate. She must go and anyone they put in her place - same thing.

Clare is telling me now that I understand D’s central role in torturing and framing us Empaths, this story is being told correctly. She wants God’s will as I do.

I did our synastry twice by mistake but it is worth posting to see it’s the same picture with different words.

Clare’s chart shows a supernatural catalyst on a difficult mission (Moon aligned with Saturn in Virgo).

I could not understand what was going on with NXIVM or the Bronfman sisters. BUT I was being spoon fed much data where I could sense someone was after them. No question there were coverups and disinformation agents stationed all over this topic. Something important was being hidden.

Who is the 1 with so much to hide and all the money and force behind her to keep up her terrorism and child trafficking? Who is the 1 with the bright gleaming official narrative story that is a complete total fabrication to anyone in possession of functioning eyes?