Allison Mack is telling me it's the same with her: She is an empath trapped by the mafia into performing their crimes for them.

Allison is showing me that her site was replaced with something that makes my iPhone dysfunction. Many coming through to me have ruined sites.

Who do you think is behind this? She asks.

Allison also asks us who runs the media? Who benefits from the coverage above? Who is getting framed for committing her crimes for her? This is what we are all complaining about. D is the queen of child trafficking and she tortures empaths into taking the fall for her.

I’m very sorry for misunderstanding Allison. Our synastry shows supernatural Justice warriors.

D was throwing me at Allison to neutralize our power because we are a threat to her human trafficking. Allison is forced to collaborate and I am exiled and deliberately confused so D’s vampire banking sponsors can feed on tortured innocence.

I hope D finally gets caught for what she is doing. She is caught in the act I PRAY we will all band together to stop her. We are showing exactly how a monster like D operates.

Allison’s chart shows a supernatural slave activist who is here to change mafia banking.

I hope I can start over with Allison. I am so sorry for the pain I inflicted on her and the wasted time spent misunderstanding her. Hopefully we will learn how to deal with the 1 deliberately tormenting all of us.