Sara Bronfman is telling me she is someone for change working from within the system.

It was never her desire to harm anyone. She is another empath being neutralized by the mafia through being put into a position to commit their crimes for them.

I’m very sorry for not understanding Sara’s intentions. I can feel very strongly that she is a good supernatural person who wants so very much for us to get free of D and anyone trying to torture and paralyze us.

Our synastry reflects that we are slaves fighting for our freedom through informing against mafia banking.

Sara’s chart shows the mafia revolutionary with immense spiritual power to make a difference. Connecting with her I can feel very strongly that she is on fire for real change.

When D targets and tortures us concerning what comes from her, she sharpens us as weapons against her. All D’s malice is returning to her right now greatly amplified and we will all keep this resistance up together until we find out how to escape mafia torture systems.

Also please add Sara to the long list of people telepathic with me who have missing personal websites. Who is messing with their sites?