Keith Rainiere is telling me

He’s another Empath framed by HK and D into performing their crimes for them. He was captured and his life has been 1 setup after another - just like mine. The difference is that the mafia did a better job catching him. Why do you think he is put out front to take the fall? That’s D’s game and it’s why everyone who has the misfortune to know her hates her with a passion.

When I first understood how much Elvis passionately hates D, it got me quite nervous. Now I understand it.

Above you see the official narrative on Keith.

While D in controlled media is a biological mother huge music star highly respected - played with the best.

D - the real controller of media as per her total BS story - can’t like Keith too much I suppose. Crime is D’s reason for living so the ones dragged through the mud are probably the one with good intentions? Everything is backward in luciferian world so we must approach it that way.

Keith is telling me that his intentions are and have always been good. There is no real way to refuse mafia force and control of the system. He has harmed many but he did not want to.

“The mafia’s game is to force us to perform their crimes for them. Then we are framed. We are neutralized as a threat because we have been made guilty.”

Tanster is lucky she was not captured fully but it was because she was and is being protected.

Because of the nature of her very unusual connection to Elvis, her exile has been necessary to our hoped for exodus from the Sabbatean Frankist Doomsday Cult. They are much worse than Tanster knows.

Let’s look at the charts.

Our synastry backs up what I’m hearing from Keith. I am so sorry to him for not understanding his intentions. I am a hundred percent telepathic with him. He feels enormous sorrow for our wasted lives and the bad that he was compelled to do but he is hoping very much to be a part of the solution.

I’m always looking for a fresh start because we were all born into mafia slavery and it’s not our fault these demons have been treating us like weapons and puppets. As long as they control the system, all we can do is fight and resist.

Keith’s natal chart indicates he has immense supernatural power and many inclinations towards justice activism.