Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers and experts from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.
Today, we are considering the testimony of Climate Scientist Saji Hameed. This professor discusses how the spike in “Covid Deaths” is really more than likely a spike in PCR Test false positives, along with medical malpractice, the amplification of figures and the attribution of “Covid Deaths” to other factors such as heart attacks and damage suffered from air pollution and seasonal variations.
We are all trying to reach those who mistakenly still believe that the media behaves ethically. As a group, they do not at all.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Abusers can not perpetually abuse, exploit and harm without it returning to them.
To expose the origins of the not so hidden sneaky dictatorship attacking us, allow me to suggest listening to REAL HISTORY. To watch this scientist of courage, Saji Hameed, speak, start the video at around 2:19:36. I transcribed a summary of the dialogue below. There’s a lot more information available if you want to watch the video and it is well worth your time.
Saji Hameed: I’m a climate scientist. I work on things like “El Niño” and I’m settled in Japan. I’ve been here for 10 years. Before that I worked in the US and Korea. Reiner, do you speak Japanese? I know you lived here.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: A little. I’ll try it out in a little while but I do speak a little Japanese. When I was working for Deutsche Bank in Tokyo, we had private Japanese lessons and I kind of liked that.
Saji Hameed: I have a presentation, can I share it? I’m going to look at the Indian and Japanese situation.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: There is no much false information maybe you can correct some of this.
Saji Hameed: Contagion has been historically used to justified quarantines and tyranny. Starting from the 17th century and even before. Science is corrupted and scientists are too busy so they don’t have time to critically think. We need to go back to small is beautiful. Certain countries are rapidly aging so there is excess mortality every year. This information can be used to mislead.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: So there’s excess mortality every year?
Saji Hameed: The elderly population gets bigger and therefore more die. The death rate has an upper trend. It’s going up every year. If you take the last five years, the last two years will always be above normal and this is also true in many European countries. Mortality is overestimated, it’s misleading. The same trick is played with global warming.
Viviane Fischer: Why is this? Is there excess morality because of old age?
Saji Hameed: It’s because of old age. In Japan, we were supposed to have covid but the death rates are lower. Because of the trend, it should’ve been 20,000 more anyway but we haven’t even reached that. It’s extremely low. The deaths are not just lower in Japan but in most countries. There was a huge spike in deaths in New York. This could not have been accomplished by natural means.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We’ve talked to people in New York. Where people should have stayed home to get over the flu, they went to the hospital and that’s what killed them. Are there spikes caused by increased PCR Testing?
Saji Hameed: Yes.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: This is what’s happening in Germany right now. There’s mass testing in the schools. Children are to be mass tested. This is what Dr. Wodarg said this morning: “If we have 10 million tests, twice a week, then we get 500,000 false positives per week.” So I assume that this is precisely what is happening when you are pointing to these spikes.
Saji Hameed: Yes, it’s happening everywhere. The data is amplified. [in the video slides are shown that Indians are protesting en masse against government attempts to take control over farming and food production.] It’s very hot in India and people get pulmonary problems, respiratory illnesses due to several reasons. One of them is the unsteadiness of the weather, the other is dust. So people get sick and if you increase the testing it looks like its covid. If someone has a heart attack, there’s pain in the chest, then they say the person died of covid. Delhi has a pollution problem and this creates pulmonary problems. Otherwise, the deaths rates are quite low in India.
Mr. Hameed shows a slide about treatments being used in India. On it is written:
Antivirals are now widely used in India. For example, a course of 6 shots or resdesivir is recommended to people who can afford it.
These people somehow survive.
Many people are so panicked that they purchase it from the black market at exorbitant prices.
The virus isn’t getting them.
Early on steroids began to to be widely used, and this is likely another factor leading to increased injuries and deaths.
Saji Hameed: In India, the media has created panic and people are really panicked. Indians are using steroids too much. Now people are being told to not overuse steroids. It’s a situation that has been caused by the PCR Test along with panic provided by the media. We have strong proof that there’s really no pandemic going on. Because these farmers that are protesting outside, there would’ve been a massive catastrophe. We have had a seasonal sickness that has been exacerbated by medical malpractice aided by the PCR Test.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What you are saying is true for Bergamo, Italy and New York. Probably for London as well.
Saji Hameed: Probably for most places.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Wherever you have spikes it is due to a combination of these factors.
Saji Hameed: You asked me to talk about Japan. Japan is fighting hard. Japan has a history of vaccine injury from the HPV vaccine. Most people in Japan are very cooperative but a few people, mostly those who have suffered some kind of injury due to medical malpractice, they are organizing in small groups and they are fighting hard. My friend Yuichi Sugimura tries to translate information from your sessions and a lot of information which is available in English into Japanese. The only academic who really understand this is a pandemic is Professor Ohashi. We have several politicians as well. We are standing strong in Japan. I work with Howard Steen, Paul Gregory, Rosie Langridge. We try to bring information to people. We contribute to HART who is fighting to combat these measures.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Thank you very much. I think we needed this because there’s so much confusion about India. It all makes sense and it also coincides about what we’ve heard about from other countries and what we learned this morning by speaking to Dr. Wodarg. Thank you so much.