Have you ever wondered why so many politicians seem like they’re controlled from elsewhere? Have you wondered why politicians who do nothing for the people they purport to serve stay in office for decades? Perhaps the explanation is that they are compromised and beholden to a system which is just out of the public eye - by design. A system with boundless access to money. These politicians might be blackmailed. They may very well be members of a predatory elitist cult. That is the subject of this book excerpted below which describes individuals who commit unspeakable acts, particularly against children. I’m posting this here to show the public that there really is a group that operates in such a manner. I have no doubt about it myself personally because this sort has been regularly sent to HARASS me since I helped expose some things about the NXIVM sex slave cult.
I take this group on because I am completely one hundred percent fed up with living under their rule. Stop being intimidated by them. Liars and individuals who constantly hide and play sick games are not invulnerable.
Corroboration that this book reflects a systemic syndrome can be found here.
When enough people get as fed up as I am, then it will finally change. This goes on because WE ALLOW IT.
The following passage is continued from here. This passage resumes as a mysterious hidden hand intervenes to protect obvious child predator and banker Larry King.
Larry King
Excerpts of Carlson's remarks, from the Executive Board minutes of December 19, 1988, show that the officers feared a police cover-up of King's activities, from within the department:
[Officer Carmean] told me some things which I found to be somewhat startling. I asked if he was interested in information regarding Larry King and he said, yes we are, we're conducting what he called a super- sensitive investigation of Larry King and he said this investigation was so supersensitive that they were not even using the steno pool in the Omaha Police Department. They were handwriting their police reports, and he also told me that Chief Wadman had come to their unit and directly asked if they were investigating Larry King.... Investigator Carmean told me, we lied to the Chief and we said, no, we are not investigating Larry King. OK, so that conversation took place on July 20th of 1988.
After we were presented with that information we had some concerns as to what was going on in the Omaha Police Department. We were concerned about if we gave this information to the Omaha Police Department what would they do with it? .... The investigation of Loretta Smith's charges did not go far, in Wadman's department. Neither did the career of Officer Carmean.
On the afternoon of June 28, 1988, immediately after Carmean's interview with Loretta, his supervisor, Sgt. Ken Bovasso, spoke by telephone with Dr. Kay Shilling, Loretta's psychiatrist at the hospital. According to Bovasso's write-up, Shilling told this Reporting Officer that she has spoken with LORETTA SMITH since LORETTA’S discussion with Officer CARMEAN... LORETTA told DR. SHILLING that she only gave Officer CARMEAN general information,... [but] that she had no problem talking with Officer CARMEAN.
Reporting Officer told DR. SHILLING that sometime during the week of 04 July 1988 this Reporting Officer will assign Officer CARMEAN to revisit Loretta at the hospital in order to build up some rapport and possibly obtain more specific information. Carmean never came back to interview Loretta Smith again. As Loretta volunteered more horrific, detailed allegations during the summer, Richard Young Hospital and FCRB personnel were concerned about the lack of police interest.
Dennis Carlson recalled, in his Executive Board testimony: Loretta was making more allegations against Larry King and others and these were allegations of the most serious nature. She was reporting that she had witnessed homicides.
Investigator Carmean was contacted by myself on one, possibly two or three, occasions.... I'd tell him that this girl's making more allegations, that she's opening up, she's telling additional information, she's beginning to relate better to her case workers and social workers, would you please go out and re-interview this girl?....
After Investigator Carmean received the information from the Foster Care Review Board, the information that I hand delivered to him, he never went back to interview Loretta Smith.
In one of my [the Author this book was a Senator] telephone conversations with Investigator Carmean, I remember telling him that this girl was now reporting homicides, and he said, yes, I need to get out there and re-interview this girl.... [O]ne of my concerns Senator is the conduct of the Omaha Police Department. I don't know what's going on up there, I'm not familiar with the players in the Omaha Police Department, but I know that I hand delivered material to an investigator.... Investigator Carmean and Investigator Hoch left my office and they seemed sincere, they seemed that they were going to investigate these allegations and later it was as if air had been let out of a balloon, that all of a sudden they had no interest in even re-interviewing a girl who was saying that she had witnessed homicides and I just don't understand it....