This system is actually backed by something and it is not predatory in any way. All it requires is adoption by the public. It doesn’t have to be adopted by everyone to work.
My work is bound to appreciate and I have a lot of it. Therefore I have a limitless number of “Tansters” - a currency that can be traded for the current depreciating fiat currency or anything else of value.
There are already many Tansters already in circulation as I gave art and jewelry out on the streets for a few years. To see many of these Tansters simply check out gemeinschaftprojekt on Instagram. All those people who saved my art, have Physical Tansters. These Tansters are worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for them.
Whoever got this painting is holding physical Tansters. This painting is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
I have already dispersed many Digital Tansters. What is a Digital Tanster? I create a personalized meme with a certain number of Tansters dedicated to a person. I keep a record of the Digital Tansters that I now owe them. Those Tansters are basically like “store credit” against me. I am now obligated to work with them and provide them with goods from my treasure trove. The holders of these Digital Tansters can trade them with other holders of Digital Tansters. How?
They can, on their Facebook or wherever they post, state that they made a transaction. The person with whom they made a transaction also records it. For example, someone wants some Tansters - some stock in the future of my enterprise - they make a deal with a holder of Digital Tansters.
The person who received the box above and the bracelet in it was being honored for her courage protesting an organization that preys on the public. She is a holder of Physical Tansters.
For example: One holder of Tansters makes dinner for the other at a rate of say, 10 Tansters. Both parties post publicly that the 10 Tansters have changed hands. Each party must keep track of their amount of Tansters concerning that transaction and keep that record out there posted where it can be easily seen by anyone. There’s no need to give details about the transaction but it would be a good idea for the transparency of the transaction. This would also spread the word about this currency which would increase awareness about it and thereby augment the value of the currency via demand and curiosity.
What’s really interesting here is that I have no Digital Tansters. Not one. I cannot give them to myself. I can only generate Physical Tansters, my art. I want to show the public that I value Digital Tansters and I will fight for every one I can get. This will all be recorded in the public sphere.
I have this surfboard. I am willing to exchange it for Digital Tansters.
So if you want some fame in association with my project, then let me give you Digital Tansters. Let me earn Digital Tansters from you.
Money is merely an exchange of value recognized as valuable by the public. As people see the energy I have put into Tansters, physical and digital and they spend their energy and time earning and trading the Tansters, this will really become a free money.
I’m developing an amazing line of perfume healing products. I can make customized blends to address your individual needs. I want to earn your Digital Tansters. I know you will love these products.
This is a real solution to a number of difficulties we are facing.
I’ll make anyone who’s real a meme showing that I owe them a piece of my work.
All this currency requires right now is mass adoption. Once I issue the Tansters to you and you receive them, you have a a right to demand something from me and you have stock in my work and everything that I will accomplish in the future. You will have a real alternative currency that is actually backed by treasures and sincere human values.
Email to get your Tansters.