Phoebe Cates

She was in a movie with the best title: Gremlins 2: The New Batch

This tickles me to bits.

Phoebe told me to put the clip above up and it’s a documentary about my situation clearly.

I’m telling Phoebe how I have to totally start over because my brain is so infected from brainwashing thrown at me by HK and D. She’s saying that the same is being done to all of them (people in her position).

Our chart reflects Lightworkers on a hyperdangerous mission involving slavery and forbidden love. Phoebe is showing me through private tipoffs and old photos that we are like sisters or soulmates. A private tipoff would be something that only I know I have but they are showing me that they are aware of it. The dress Phoebe is wearing above is like many I’ve made or bought for myself. The left hand is holding the right hand down.

Left hand path luciferian D is suppressing us and stealing everything from us because she can only acquire power through mafia force and cheating so that’s what she does and she will continue doing until we really learn how to unite to stop her.

Phoebe’s chart shows repeated indications that she is a Lightworker undergoing a dangerous mission - something to do with banking, love and values.