Kevin Kline

I think of Kevin’s character in A Fish Called Wanda sometimes. He was playing someone who would go batshit if you called him stupid because he thought he was fooling everybody with his pretensions. I’m not running this campaign so I figure the one who is knows that D is just like that guy. YES YES YES.

Kevin and Phoebe are coming through to me together. As we know, there are supposed celebrity couples who are not really on the same side at all - but some are.

Kevin is saying he loves what I’m doing. It takes courage to hit the right nail on the head like this. IT IS SO NEEDED. Someone needs to stand up for D’s victims - there are so many. She is a mass murderer at large right now commanding the system. She can lock people up for doing good and she performs this crime against humanity as often as she thinks she can pull it off. D is a monster and the public needs to be protected from her but the system is owned by the vampires who keep her killing operations running because they feast on the blood she provides them.

Based on what Kevin is saying above, he is a committed activist who wants real change. Our synastry shows we are warriors fighting to change the current regime.

Kevin’s chart shows immense power and will to change the mafia royalty situation and that banking revolution pertains to his fate.