Queen Elizabeth 2

She is telling me from the other side that she was really against the Sabbatean Frankist Movement and that she was doing what she could to bring this shift in culture. She was trapped and threatened in a similar manner as everyone else complaining in this astrology study.

Queen Elizabeth is saying that the charts will reflect her assertion. The Sabbatean Frankist Movement is a scourge upon the earth and there will not be peace or security until this menace is dealt with through superior united force. Unity is the antidote to their immense filth.

She was really supportive of my work although it didn’t appear that way. There is no future as long as the Sabbatean Frankist Movement perpetrators are at the helm of power. They devour everything and they must be stopped.

We’re really friends working for the same cause but I’m only realizing it now.

D and her vicious friends did try throwing me at her many times. They didn’t like her.

Queen Elizabeth is kind and loving and she is very sad about the dreadful state of the world and that she could not do more to help.

Queen Elizabeth was far more supportive of rebellion than most would have guessed because it is the only way to unseat these ghouls and demons from their sneaky perch of power. She wants to assert that I am telling a true albeit partially true story because Tanster still doesn’t know how far they go in their abuse practices.

Our synastry perfectly reflects what I’m hearing.

Queen Elizabeth’s natal chart perfectly verifies what I’m hearing and seeing elsewhere.

Thank you so much to this kind spirit for sharing herself so we can understand her better.

She saying who used to always dress like she did?