Thank you - Melora Hardin

Is telling me that they put up with a whole lot to send out messages that will hopefully contribute to the downfall of the Sabbatean Frankist hiding monarchy.

Melora asks me to post the images below and to ask yourself to what does it all add up?

Melora wants to echo what everyone else is saying. D is 1 of the main controllers of the media and she is using this immense power to make every attempt to drive Tanster to suicide.

While Tanster isn’t paying attention, D’s running of the media in this manner causes immense harm to society and those of us forced to help her insane agendas.

Melora would also like to add her name to the long list who want to see D deposed from her sneaky throne of power.

Melora tells me she and her friends are doing everything they can to resist and make it difficult for the Sabbatean Frankists to keep up their tyranny. She asks everyone to please continue the fight and to listen to good guidance. That’s the way out so we can finally know peace and genuine friendship.

Our synastry reflects very well what I’m hearing.

A portrait of a media warrior working to end slavery.