Malcolm X is coming through

He is telling me that though he is not incarnate, he is still very interested in what we are doing. He did fight the same fight with us and he believes the charts will reflect that.

Please note the patterns and the connection between our movements - which are really 1 and the same.

Tanster has been working and studying the entire duration of her extremely unjust captivity. Why? People of destiny know to prepare without always knowing the reason.

Malcolm asked me to put a clip up of his general message so our readers can see we say the same things.

The charts do validate what we are hearing otherwise. The Saturn in Scorpio trine Pluto/Mars in Cancer in the chart above can accurately be read as “Mafia murdered Patriot”.

Malcolm exhorts us to keep fighting and to never give up. Our opponent hides and they aren’t coming out now. This is the time to push forward.