Amy Goodman tells me she's very very fed up

She asked me to post the picture below.

Amy is saying that she is under the same truth ban as everyone else in media and that the BS does very much come straight from D. What is being said here is the truth.

Amy asked me to post the image above from her Facebook.

It is indeed true that D deliberately stole Tanster’s twin through mafia force. D uses her immense power over the media to order everyone to pretend to ignore Tanster.

Yes, it is right that this is the least of the harm that she does. D is a total complete menace to society. For D to order a journalist like her [Amy] to pretend to ignore Tanster - THE BIGGEST STORY GOING - D is showing everyone that media right now is a farce. D’s tactics will bring her down. How she doesn’t see this is an indication of stupidity.

The substance of what Amy is telling me can be seen in our synastry. I can tell that Amy is EXTREMELY UPSET and Heartbroken and she does not want to enable these monstrous Luciferians but she is trapped in many ways.

We can see her deep spirituality and regime fighter mission very clearly in her natal chart.

I’m very grateful to know that Amy is doing the best she can to bring about REAL CHANGE.