The I Can't Believe It Edition: James Rothschild!!

He is telling me I am unfortunately entirely correct. He does not condone child trafficking or any abuse whatsoever. He is doing what he can to turn it around from within the system. He is trapped too.

I would never want to cause a moment’s pain to anyone with good intentions whatever the situation. I am so sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. I would like nothing more than a fresh start with anyone who is against ABUSE.

The solution is UNITY. Together we can end unnecessary suffering,

It turns out I know James very well. He is a very caring empathic very posh person. He says there is no one more against abuse than he. The problem is that he is trapped just like everyone else complaining here.

He’s says it’s a very big family and most in it are against abuse. The ones who favor it are very much the problem.

James says he’s ALL IN come what may.