Camille Meyer

Camille is another 1 telling me it’s worse than I think. Everything is being done to frame her because the child traffickers who own media are terrified they won’t be able to keep up what they are doing because the public is becoming very aware and spiritually potent.

This is exactly why D brainwashes the public through media lies that it is crazy to think someone has spiritual powers. Camille says look within and be certain what is being said here is the truth. We are all on the same page because this is the truth. We must face the truth to CHANGE IT.

Our synastry shows spiritually motivated activists battling slavery.

We see Camille, the spiritually motivated culture healer in her natal chart.

I’ve been learning what’s around Andy Cohen is a hotbed of revolution to kick over mafia abuse. Camille is a captured empath doing her best to turn this awful set of circumstances around. I can feel how outraged and indignant she is that we have to struggle and struggle to get these insane criminals away from us. She asks us to all please continue resisting. It is working!!