Can't Say It's Not All 1 Big Story: The Eminem Edition

I found out over the last few years that I am indeed connected to Marshall. Along with that information came quite a few shockers about how the mafia is forcibly separating us empaths. They own the money system so they can make everyone’s decisions to our detriment.

The song above does a good job describing the anguish we are suffering because we are being forced to harm each other because of insane mafia tyranny.

In some type of alternative spiritual dimension - Marshall and I know each other very well and we are a lot alike. Hotheads, devoted and very dangerous when provoked WAY TOO MUCH.

Marshall’s charts certainly validate the picture I’m also getting elsewhere. His heat and intensity can be seen in the natal chart where we see a stellium comprised of the Sun, Uranus, Mars and Pluto in loving Libra.

Right there you can see the force of nature megastar who most certainly is not someone to mess with.

Thank you Marshall. Your greatest days are ahead of you. I know it.