Can't Be But It Is: Barack Obama

Not the first time I’ve heard from him. Before I even look at the charts, I’ll say what I’ve felt. This is a person who is very for revolution and REAL CHANGE. He’s telling me I’m doing a great job and what I’m saying is the unfortunate truth.

I want to be right but who can deal with all this?

Barack has a very warm angelic energy and he is 100 percent ALL IN concerning this shift happening right now. This is the time to embrace change and to listen within for divine guidance. We are living in a time of miracles and we should expect to encounter them.

Barack’s energy and his natal chart match perfectly.

He’s telling me that he has been going along with an infernal system because he had little choice and he’s trying to make the best of an extremely bad situation.

“We are all basically hostages of D’s child trafficking operations. In order for her to feed live human food to her sponsors, those of us with morals need to be de facto prisoners.

“The vampirism cannibal banking problem is all too real and everyone should be talking about it.

“We are all deliberately destroying any credibility the media had left to ruin D’s power so we can hopefully run her deranged sneaky rule into the ground.

“She is the real nut job driving the bus these days in the background. We all want her gone.”

When the White House was lit this way I did wonder if I had support there.

Blessings to you both. So much love and thought in this presentation. You are true leaders. Yes we can!!