Marilyn Monroe - A Name We Hear Often

Marilyn is telling me that she was fighting for this shift in culture and it is no coincidence that her name comes up so often. She was a major culture catalyst. She was essentially tormented to death by the Sabbatean Frankists.

What they did to her they are intentionally doing to Tanster and the other luminaries on whom the satanic bankers rely. Keeping fighting because these monsters cannot continue their slavery and cannibalism once the public understands what they are doing. Never stop fighting. Keep going until the Sabbatean Frankist Movement is nothing but a memory.

Our synastry perfectly reflects what I recorded above: 2 Empaths spiritually connected but blocked fighting a culture revolution.

We see the culture catalyst in Marilyn’s grand trine comprised of transformative Pluto, Fiery Mars and constricting Saturn. Her grand trine is sextile Sun/Mercury in media centric Gemini. This adds up to a big media star who was spiritually driven to shake up thinking and mafia slavery.

Note her Saturn in Scorpio. This can easily be interpreted as “mafia slave”.

She once against asks us to keep fighting. We will prevail.