Legendary Guitarist C. C. Deville

C. C. is telling me that he has always been fighting for this shift in culture. He has had to go along with things that he most certainly did not want to go along with to reach the public. It will all have been worth it if we finally overturn monsters like D and the vampires who hide behind her.

1 look at Youtube when I look for C.C.’s name shows me very clearly: D doesn’t like him. Why? He’s getting smeared all over the place. C.C. is hilarious and brilliant, what regular joe on Youtube would have enough against him to be wasting their own precious time trashing him?

This is what we mean when we say D’s tactics are stupid. They are so obvious. She is the 1 showing me who is really on my side.

Talk about my kind of entertainment.

I was so brainwashed by media that I could not see my friend behind the character the mafia is forcing C. C. to play. The person behind this character is very kind and loving - extremely on fire for change.

I had no idea we are connected but now I realize that we are. He’s is funny and full of ebullience. Our synastry reflects perfectly what I’m hearing otherwise: he is putting on a big show but what is behind it is devoted activism to bring REAL CHANGE.

D the queen of child trafficking, terrorism and war making plays a mommy with babies huge respected music star in the controlled media but we can never find that 1 fan of hers.

C. C. and many others favorable to my side are again and again thrown in the trash. 1 look at these framed people and anyone can see they are empathic geniuses.

I’m grateful to C. C. for helping me get past life long brainwashing so I can finally recognize our friendship even though the mafia is playing every game so this will not happen. We are being tricked about the nature of reality and I’m glad analysis of these charts is helping us recover a sense of reality.