Hello Joni Mitchell

Joni and I have birthdays 1 day apart and we both have a Moon alignment in Pisces. That goes along with us being telepathic and spiritually connected.

Joni’s chart shows a force of nature activist on a painful mission fighting the mafia from within.

D pops up on YouTube when I search for this song. How interesting. She’s always playing tricks so the choice of songs she covers are a big part of that. Elvis likes to point the songs she’s picks out for herself to me as well. It’s usually some game she’s playing to frame him and torture me at the same time.

I’ve never been consciously telepathic with Joni before but I was aware that we are connected. I can feel we are extremely in sync. She feels what I feel.

Joni asks us to please keep resisting and fighting.

Thank you so much for helping me understand you better!!