Hello Diane Keaton

Diane would like to echo the message that we are hearing from many clearly different voices. Please keep up the resistance because the truth is unbearable right now. Justice must be restored by any means necessary. Diane has been fighting her entire life for this shift in culture. It should be obvious that her many roles do have much to do with Tanster’s sneaky captivity at the hands of the Sabbatean Frankist Movement. D is a monster who must be stopped. She is much worse than Tanster knows and Tanster knows quite a lot which is absolutely correct.

Our synastry shows a spiritual connection and that we fight slavery.

Diane’s chart shows an Angel on a mission to bring real change.

I certainly could see myself strongly in Diane but I still am surprised to learn we are telepathic. I am extremely grateful to know that we really are connected. Hopefully 1 day we will inhabit a world where we will be free to meet without being terrified of mafia violence which D wields to keep us all under intimidation.