He says he’s on our side and he was trying to expose the real bad guys with that art. He’s asking me to post his charts to back up his assertion.
After I was served for my 2nd frivolous lawsuit as harassment to get me to shut up, I went to the still up Podesta emails. I was looking for a match in behavior. Does John Podesta do this sort of thing in his emails? I quickly found out he is a professor of law at Georgetown.
When I was quite young and my mafia warden was trying out his first story on me - he was an erudite law professor at Harvard with a penchant for word play. Looking back, I believe the mafia knew I love Elvis and they were trying to give his good qualities to this mobster so I would become attached to this person setting me up to stab me in the back.
Since John was what my warden pretended to be, I figured I had a match.
Apart from that, who are these people in the emails? I really studied how everyone was interacting. I could see that John was very nice with his family and that they all seem to care about each other. John seemed to really love his brother Tony.
John was also clearly highly intelligent, on the ball, on top of what he was doing, juggling lots of balls competently. I was thinking he would be great to have on my side if he weren’t involved with all of that filth.
There was much monsterishness all around but it was sent to John’s inbox and there was not a whole lot he could do to say no so he had to go along with it. A cog in a control system. He was not the initiator. Elvis tells me the same horrible story.
I like to float around because I’ve been hung up by the mafia and then I find the most surprising people in the spirit realm. Thank you Tony. Please forgive me for misunderstanding your intentions.
What I always hear. So arrogant but doesn’t realize she’s falling for 1 trap after another but too stuck up to see it. What she doesn’t seem to get is that her apparent reason for living: torturing me and Elvis - is exactly what is bringing her and her mafia empire down. We love each other forever. Everything she does just sticks me to him closer.