Heather Podesta is knocking

She is telling me that she has been working for the current change. She is and has been on my side but it didn’t look like it [to me].

Heather is relating that her name has been dragged through the mud because she is a threat to D and her friends. D only goes after threats and leaves all the perfect gleaming press for herself alone and now she is being singled out because of her extreme vanity.

Let’s look at the charts.

Heather is a major DC player and this is the image on her Wikipedia. She is asking me post this here.

There is no question in my mind about whether we are telepathic. She echoes what everyone else is saying: we should all be doing everything we can for regime change because there is no future under the rule of the Sabbatean Frankist Movement.

I can see it was D who threw me at the Podestas when she was trying to ram me into Q. While I was exposing them, I was really on my way to exposing her. She is the originator of the filth, not them.

I do know who I have been thrown at and sometimes I was guided to take the bait.

The larger aim has been to get the public to understand that the system is run by vampires who are devouring everything worthwhile. This must change.

I’m sorry to Heather for misunderstanding her intentions.