The Melania Trump

She says she wants to do this!! What a Great Spirit.

She is extremely intelligent and sensitive. She tells me she has a similar tale like mine in her own life. Very sensitive people are being targeted from youth on all over the world.

She’s very real and funny and vivacious.

It’s such a miracle to learn that I’m connected to Melania. She is stuck playing a character and she does a lot of things to make sure you know that.

Hopefully we will learn how to get all these mafia people away from us so we can be friends and our real selves.

Melania is super charming, just like you can see in her stellium connection between the Sun and Venus.

Clear Revolutionary Mermaid. Anyone who ever messed with her didn’t know her power. This is The Truth. She is very much a Queen in her own right because of the power she possesses spiritually.

I must thank her for participating in this fascinating exploration into empath abuse by the mafia.