CONTROVERSY: The Joaquin Phoenix Edition

Joaquin is someone very close to my heart just from watching him in movies. It did start to dawn on me lately that many of his movies do sort of seem to have something to do with me. The film Her comes to mind. When I watched that I could never have imagined that I’m Her.

So since I’ve been obsessing all over the internet about Napoleon full time. It’s been about 10 years. There’s all this bait held out to me that there could be a big Napoleon Movie and o I don’t know maybe there’d be some MONEY in it for me.

So when they finally rolled out the big budget Napoleon movie that would just blow away everything because I don’t have the money they do finally came out - I knew I would have to just stay out of it because there’d be hooks and traps all over it.

I haven’t watched it but I did look at Joaquin Phoenix pictures from the movie and he was clearly channeling Napoleon and doing his best under horrendous conditions. I will fight for all of you to the bitter end. No one gets to abuse us like this.

Because honesty about Napoleon is not permitted by the bankers, whatever subversion or trickery intended did nothing but expose that there is a massive conspiracy working to suppress the truth about Napoleon. This is how I believe the makers of the new Napoleon movie were really trying to help us.

I like him so much I put him in a ginormous painting I did.

He’s so sad and sensitive, remorseful and heart broken about what’s being done to all of us. The ones in the way of us sharing are a big problem.

I can’t make an image like that but they can and that’s how we are going to catch D - cooperation. D can commit any crime as many as she pleases because we can’t catch her. What wonderful security she must have.