2 things global organized crime CANNOT do -

I keep hoping the people who refuse to look in the mirror and face that they’ve been duped and that they are not all they’ve been deluded into thinking about themselves will hear, “where have you been?” so often that even they will have to finally see that the television and the government are not owned by anyone operating in good faith.

I feel the mind control operations succeed based on tricking lonely people into thinking they’ll find a sense of belonging in whatever psychological operation is being push on them. These psyops succeed at fooling people based on offering false hope in something in the future that will never materialize. I also suspect giving people a delusion of superiority is the bread and butter of most fake populist movements. Q would be one of many examples I could cite. BS religions as well operate in much the same manner. The truth is the bait and it is there but the operations are to keep people in a box spinning their wheels.

Scientist Kary Mullis just so happened to lose his life 8/2019. What interesting timing. That’s when thugs with Lincoln Towncars started surrounding me and my house in a threatening way. By last Spring, I had multiple drones flying around my house. I guess these BS stories require silencing/intimidating people and repeating lies constantly everywhere money and threats can buy.