The truth will set you free.

The chains they’ve been trying to put on us are just a bunch of guilt trips and I’ve been stunned that trick has been working for them for so long. It’s audacious and I say break that spell now. I understand why people are so scared but that’s the whole problem. I’ve been dealing with dark spirits coming at me my entire life. They are not that strong and they only have the power we give them. If they are so powerful, then how am I still here? I’m still here because I fight back and I know how scared THEY ARE.

Cast them out and tell them to stay out and mean it. That’s what works. We all have our strength and we all have choices and our Creator is there to help us.

The strongest most unbeatable foe is a flood and I implore you to help me become that flood that washes away all of these rampant injustices and legal violations which are harming the next generation. We cannot keep letting this harm happen! It’s our parents’ faults they didn’t protect us and it’s our fault if we do what they did! Please help break the cycle of ABUSE.