If the establishment has been captured by criminals, then dissent is the responsible position.

When someone is branded by media as a “denier”, they may be the one telling the truth. We are dealing with a very strange, extremely dishonest theocracy situation right now.
I never signed up for their religion and I think abiding by its absurd genocidal precepts would destroy my soul.

Basically we are commanded to believe whatever their paid publicists order us to believe - without evidence - OR ELSE.

If you don’t want to join this totalitarian religion on where it’s marching, hopefully you’ll find the guidance on how to help us find our way free.

You’ll know what to do.

Vilifying the “deniers”Those who dissent from orthodoxy are thereby discredited, hence there’s no credibility in their dissent.

Vilifying the “deniers”

Those who dissent from orthodoxy are thereby discredited, hence there’s no credibility in their dissent.

If we unite in denouncing this scandal, this is our big chance to break free of their reign of slavery and terror.

If we unite in denouncing this scandal, this is our big chance to break free of their reign of slavery and terror.

Do it for others. Do it for yourself.

Do it for others. Do it for yourself.

Show some courage!

Show some courage!