A credible scientist, Peter Duesberg, PhD. makes his case that the AIDS scare was based on a press conference.

Read Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter Duesberg for free here if you like.

I’m trying to show this is the oligarch modus operandi, a strategy in their bag of tricks.

Do you want the ones forcing, threatening, bribing, blackmailing and brainwashing genocide on the entire global population to be held responsible? It’s up to all of us to do our part to make that happen.

This is a great time to tell us what you know about their crimes. If we all expose them, it will limit the harm they can do.

Working together we can save ourselves from their constant attempts to destroy us and our means of sustenance. It can be done without violence. We don’t want to sink to their level and United we can maintain our integrity and reclaim our God given rights.

We are in the midst of a global judgement and the role each and every one of us is playing right now is showing who we really are. Do you like the role you’re playing in this judgement? If you don’t, it’s not too late to reclaim your humanity.

The following is continued from here.

Any new disease or epidemic forces medical experts to search for the new cause, which they hope to bring under control. From the start, however, they have a responsibility to consider both possible causes for an epidemic:

(1) a contagious, infectious agent such as a microbe or a virus or

(2) some noninfectious cause such as poor diet or some toxic substance present in the environment or a toxin consumed in an unusually large quantity. Lives depend on the right answer to this primary question.

A contagious disease must be handled very differently from a noncontagious one. Unnecessary public hysteria, inappropriate prevention measures, and toxic therapies are the price for misidentifying a noncontagious disease for one that is contagious.

The period of research into the cause of AIDS in which both infectious and noninfectious agents were considered lasted only three years. It started with the identification of AlDS in 1981 and officially ended in April 1984 with the announcement of the "AIDS virus" at an international press conference conducted by the secretary of Health and Human Services and the federal AIDS researcher Robert Gallo in Washington, D.C.

Robert Gallo

Robert Gallo

This announcement was made prior to the publication of scientific evidence confirming the virus theory. With this unprecedented maneuver, Gallo's discovery bypassed review by the scientific community.

Science by press conference was substituted for the conventional process of scientific validation, which is based on publications in the professional literature.

Whenever they’re up to one of their games, lots of publicists are seen running around it.

Whenever they’re up to one of their games, lots of publicists are seen running around it.

The "AlDS virus" became instant national dogma, and the tremendous weight of federal resources was diverted into just one race-the race to study the AlDS virus.

For the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and all other divisions of the federal Department of Health and Human Services and for all researchers who received any federal grants and contracts, the search for the cause of AlDS was over.

The only questions to be studied from 1984 on were how HIV causes AlIDS and what could be done about it. The scientists directing this search, including Robert Gallo, David Baltimore, and Anthony Fauci, had previously risen to the top of the biomedical research establishment as experts on viruses or contagious disease.

Naturally the virologists chose to employ their familiar logic and tools, rather than dropping their old habits to meet new challenges, when AlDS appeared in 1981. But serious doubts are now surfacing about HIV, the so-called AIDS virus.

Anthony Fauci and his 30 years of AIDS journey. Learn their style.This is their style.

Anthony Fauci and his 30 years of AIDS journey.

Learn their style.

This is their style.

Dozens of prominent scientists have been questioning the HIV hypothesis openly during the past eight years, and the controversy gains momentum with each passing week.
The consensus on the virus hypothesis of AIDS is falling apart, with its advocates digging in their heels even as its opponents grow in number.

Note: This type of liar doesn’t admit they are lying. They go on the attack when they are caught. This is one of the means by how you know it’s this oligarch group. This is their modus operandi. At the end, when these liars have totally been exposed, finally they’ll say, “So what?!” I’ve never once seen any single one of them say, “Yes I was lying. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

Note: This type of liar doesn’t admit they are lying. They go on the attack when they are caught. This is one of the means by how you know it’s this oligarch group. This is their modus operandi. At the end, when these liars have totally been exposed, finally they’ll say, “So what?!” I’ve never once seen any single one of them say, “Yes I was lying. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

As with most diseases today in the industrial world, AIDS appears not to be a contagious syndrome. The evidence for this exists in the scientific literature, but this evidence is widely neglected by researchers intent on viewing the data through the single lens of virology.

If biomedical science has erred, if AIDS is not caused by a virus, then the entire medical and public health approach to the syndrome is misdirected.
People are not being warned about the true risks for developing AIDS, doctors are using ineffective or dangerous treatments, and public fear is being exploited.

In view of the omnipotence of modern science, an error in identifying the cause of AlDS may seem inconceivable. How could a whole new generation of more than one hundred thousand AIDS experts, including medical doctors, virologists, immunologists, cancer researchers, pharmacologists, and epidemiologists - including more than half a dozen Nobel Laureates-be wrong?

How could a scientific world that so freely exchanges all information from every corner of this planet have missed an alternative explanation of AlDS? Faith in the infallibility of modern science has deep and solid roots.
Rightfully, medical science is admired for its knowledge about infectious diseases and its virtuosity in dealing with them. The elimination of infectious diseases with vaccines and antibiotics has, in fact, been the most complete success story in the history of medicine.
Today all infectious diseases combined cannot claim 1 percent of the lives of modern Americans and Europeans anymore.

Since the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when Robert Koch found the tuberculosis bacillus and Walter Reed found the yellow fever virus, ever more victories have been won against infectious diseases.

These pioneers established models that every scientist confronted with an unexplained disease wants to imitate: Pick an unexplained disease, discover a causative virus or microbe and invent a curative drug or vaccine, and become a medical legend just like Koch, Pasteur, Semmelweis, and Reed.
The Koch-Pasteur model set off a medical gold rush of microbe and virus hunters that came to a happy end when all major infectious diseases were apparently eliminated from the Western world, the last being polio in the 1950s.

Only noninfectious diseases like cancer, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and osteoporosis have not yielded to medical control. On the contrary, these diseases have increased their shares as causes of death and illness, having taken the place that infectious diseases once held.

It was on the basis of this impressive record of triumphs over infectious diseases that the secretary of Health and Human Services and the virus researcher Robert Gallo promised so confidently at their international press conference in 1984 to stop the AIDS epidemic in just two years with a vaccine against the "AIDS virus.”

Is it possible that this promise could not be kept because the hypothesis was simply wrong and that AIDS might not even be caused by a virus?

The apostle of this orthodox AIDS religion which must be believed and not questioned or else!

The apostle of this orthodox AIDS religion which must be believed and not questioned or else!

Could a medical science that had broken the secrets of infectious diseases long ago have prematurely misdiagnosed AIDS as an infectious disease?

Because of their inherent potential to spread beyond control, infectious diseases are the first concern of public health officials, politicians, and taxpayers.

Given the human tendency to fear the worst, the public is readily inclined to believe in infectious causes of disease. Among scientists, the infectious disease experts are the primary beneficiaries of the fear of contagion.

With the argument of caution on their side, the infectious disease experts claim the privilege to convict suspect microbes without trial-while putting the burden of proof on all alternative hypotheses.

But the premature assumption of contagiousness has many times in the past obstructed free investigation for the treatment and prevention of noninfectious disease-sometimes for years, at the cost of many thousands of lives.

Even when nontransmissible causes would have provided much better explanations and much easier prevention than hypothetical microbes, the microbes were pursued because antibiotics and antiviral vaccines promised proven therapies and prevention as well as professional and commercial gratification.

As the research establishment becomes more centralized, bureaucratized, and fraught with commercial conflicts of interest, each episode achieves more monstrous proportions.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' premature endorsement of the hypothesis that AlDS is a sexually transmitted, infectious epidemic caused by the newly discovered "AIDS virus" could be the most costly and most harmful of these fatal errors in the history of medicine if AlDS proves to be not infectious.

"Sadly the AIDS establishment must continue to rely on (i) censorship, (ii) the never ending string of "recent" studies generated by the lavish AIDS funds, (iii) the argument of fear, and (iv) ad hominem attacks, as long as it insists to explain "long-lasting paradoxes of the AIDS epidemic" with the HIV hypothesis." P Duesberg, NY Review of Books, September 1996

"Sadly the AIDS establishment must continue to rely on

(i) censorship,

(ii) the never ending string of "recent" studies generated by the lavish AIDS funds,

(iii) the argument of fear, and

(iv) ad hominem attacks, as long as it insists to explain "long-lasting paradoxes of the AIDS epidemic" with the HIV hypothesis."

P Duesberg, NY Review of Books, September 1996