The numbers haven’t made sense for a long time. I do wonder sometimes what my real numbers are, who has them and why are they being obscured or are these platforms broken in this one area all over for just me or is the whole thing an elaborate illusion to make certain people appear popular and to create the illusion that others who do not follow their script appear unpopular? Is this a punitive system? Is this a reward system for those who support certain dishonest agendas?
I bring attention to it because this is just yet another area where I can say, “this is proof of an illusion”. What else are we seeing that is nothing but an illusion? Why is the internet so saturated with these sort of illusions? Who benefits from this system of lies?
The one on top had “officially” 1 view just like the one on the bottom. I don’t think it’s okay that I’m clearly lied about. To listen to the file above, click here.