A recent interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

Sometimes I’m blown away with positive things that Dr. Fuellmich says regarding the spiritual forces that are 100 percent behind us. I’m very tuned in to the spiritual realm and I am hearing extremely similar things on my end. This terrestrial realm is a place of illusions right now and dark entities are extremely adept at looking way more powerful than they really are.
We are the majority. We are the heart and spirit. I’ve been trying to get these parasitic types off me for a long time. We don’t really need them but they are great at scaring people and fooling them into helpless dependency. Freedom comes from blowing them off and telling them to GET LOST. What if we all just stopped playing along with all their pressure and games? We would find a way to live and thrive without them. Why do we need to bow and obey a minority who are always trying to trap and murder us? I started this project in 2014, partly because I could tell they were out to install martial law and to commit mass murder. I wasn’t going to just wait for them to roll out their sick plans, I determined to fight them with everything I have. This mentality came from following Napoleon’s example. He never for one second gave into the group running the English Government. He understood them.

They wanted war and they were going to frame him for what they were actually doing to Europe. People still believe their lies. The lies that they never stop telling.

What do you think about this interviewer? Is he really one of us? I think the strategy being employed to attempt to subvert or discredit Dr. Fuellmich is to surround him with agents. It also seems smart for Dr. Fuellmich to talk to everyone to get the message out. This has been one of the more interesting parts of this story. Who is sincere and who is ingratiating themselves to make their toxic move later?
Whenever I was sent shills, I played along until they made their move trying to mess me up until I just got tired of dealing with them. Now I have a lawyer field shill attempts to be my new best friend and to get me on the phone.
This lawyer says they never quit but I don’t want to hear about it anymore. There’s been such a ridiculous number of them, I have wondered many times if a bounty has been put on me. The other side has a lot of money and staff and their collective job is lying and playing games.
They don’t seem to produce or create anything but derivative illusions. Apparently anyone telling the truth who has an audience - like Dr. Fuellmich - is a huge priority. They seem to try to swarm and strangle anything truthful. As if they consider the truth a pathogen - a virus if you will - that they all have to all run in as an acting team to suffocate with their schemes and illusions.

To watch the video, click here. Backup of the video is here.