A good person is free.

The following by blogger Walter Allen Thompson is shared from here.

A wise man cannot be compelled to do anything that he doesn't want to do. A virtuous man cannot be corrupted. And I think that if more men and women made it a point to avoid their evil inclinations it would make their lives--and those around them -- a lot more pleasant.
No matter what the situation, the virtuous man will always have the upper hand in everything because he is setting his foundation upon the natural law that is in turn established by the God who created us.

Mr. Thompson is a blogger who sounds to me like he’s learned the truth, he’s “awake” and now he is advocating a path of what he calls Natural Law.

The following words by Mr. Thompson are shared from here.

Determining what fits in with natural law

This is a very easy process and this is what I do to determine whether something falls in the proper category called natural law:

  • Is it good or is it evil?

  • Is it true or is it false?

  • Is it right or is it wrong?

  • What are the facts that support my conclusion?

  • If I act on specific information, will I stay within the natural order?