Is all of this being done in a way where the murderers get richer and escape all penalties?
The strategy here is not hard to follow.
Many people complaining about their suffering after submitting to mRNA injections can be seen here.
Legendary musician Eric Clapton speaks out here.
Learn about the at least 45,000 allegedly cruelly murdered in one medical system from the mRNA injections the oligarchs are demanding that we ALL take right now here.
Learn about the Nuremberg trial that is happening online to expose these mRNA murderers here.
If we want good to win, then we must be good.
We have our missions and we will fulfill them.
This is an international game of “chicken”.
We outnumber them and we actually believe in something greater than ourselves.
The present “government” is organized crime masked by publicity tricks backed by financial scams.
This video about mRNA injection side effects and consequences is here.
To watch the video, click here.
Considering what is known and published about the toxic properties of the US Biotech Company Gilead Sciences drug Remdesivir, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg assesses that it's exclusive use in the US during 2020 to treat alleged C-19 disease diagnosed by PCR test amounts to a form of genocide. This is a short extract of a discussion during evidence presented to the German Corona Committee by US doctor Bryan Ardis.
Gilead Sciences is accused of causing harm in the book Inventing the AIDS virus also. Read the book here if you’re interested.
We have nothing to lose but our chains.