The fight for freedom continues in a frank Dr. Reiner Fuellmich led meeting about subversion and the need to an end to the corona measures.

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich stated a real truth when he said that we cannot lose by fighting. Either we expose the malefactors through the trickery they use to “defeat” us or we win.

Dr. Fuellmich, Lawyer Viviane Fischer and Doctor Wolfgang Wodarg speak to supporters of their movement about the controlled opposition tactics that they are facing in their fight to restore sanity and our ability to finally just live again.

You can watch my bootleg of this video here.As I was transcribing the original of this video yesterday, YouTube suddenly decided genuinely populist politicians talking openly and honestly is against their community standards. There was a glitch where the browser I was using was still playing the video, so I had a chance to still record it with my iPhone. This video shows everything the present regime is against.

You can watch my bootleg of this video here.

As I was transcribing the original of this video yesterday, YouTube suddenly decided genuinely populist politicians talking openly and honestly is against their community standards. There was a glitch where the browser I was using was still playing the video, so I had a chance to still record it with my iPhone. This video shows everything the present regime is against.

The following is continued from here.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What we are looking for is an end of all the measures that we know are fatal. Not only for companies. Secondly, we must start an immediate honest scientific discussion and thirdly, we must identify everyone who is responsible. After we stated our intentions, we were basically cut off from communication with the other party members. The fact is obvious that the “troop” is there and it feels itself sufficiently powerful to take over the party and to usurp it. These facts have confirmed for me in my view that we are dealing with fraudsters and liars. I do not want to work with such people.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: I believe the collaboration began in the way in which there are professionals from everywhere backing up this narrative. People are rewarded and paid for warding off all criticism. Through defaming people who are people critical. They are destroying people’s entire reputations. They are trying to destroy the distribution of books. What kind of a world is this?
There’s so much power behind it that it makes people so afraid that they won’t talk about it. That it’s a question of life and death to even talk about it. I don’t like what we are experiencing now. We talk about it openly. We are of the opinion that we are dealing with a criminal element.

It is criminal what they have done with the elderly, with children and with many, many others. We are daily humiliated by the completely unjustified discipline that they are inflicting on us. It is unjustified and we are moving towards a terrible dictatorship. The numbers on the other side haven’t changed. There are no more deaths than in other years. That is not being stated openly. The tests show from time to time a lot of so-called cases.
Yes, you can do that all of want but the tests prove nothing. We can see the truth in the streets. We can see it in the hospitals. The real picture hasn’t changed.
People are not dying of this virus like flies. Perhaps the hospitals did incorrectly treat a lot of people but that’s because of medical negligence. The health service is shutting down hospitals and setting up for a monopoly.

We are in the throes of a pure shock strategy that is being run. They are clearing the way. There are people who have doubled their billions. Insane people are the drivers of this whole story. What is incredible obvious is cui bono.
Who benefits from this? There are many things that we do not know but what we do know is that we have fundamental law that prohibits all of these things. The government does not have the right to force for the interest of third parties.

The government is to act in our interests, to clarify our questions, to use institutions to assess whether or not something will harm us.
Everything must be avoided which is not in our best interests. We have affirmed that people are being harmed. It is so important that there is a party that addresses these issues.
A party that doesn’t get blogged down about speed limits. Something like that is really existential. Issues need to people addressed for the middle class, particularly for those with children. For the people who need hospital care. For people who are restricted. Speed limits are a very existential issue. We need to bring important issues to the Bundestag. We no longer can hold these important matters back. We have to tell the people, you are being attacked. You are being cheated and we want you to not be cheated.
We have seen how our party is being destroyed. With a lot of money! With a lot of people that you hire and bring in. That is something we can say! We can tell the voters, help yourself! Make sure that you have someone at the Bundestag who addresses these things we are ready to do that for you. That’s our message. Yes, that’s our message. That’s the only reason I’m back in politics. I believe that the segment that didn’t think of politics before is now looking for help.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Dr. Bhahkdi is being defamed and called an anti-semite because he said that of all people he is surprised that the jewish people have been so compliant with current genocide efforts. A case was deliberately set up where by using the term jew and Israel, a person is deliberately found at fault. That is the only thing going on and it has to be stopped. This is a symptom of controlled opposition and political correctness. This whole clutter has to be thrown overboard so that clear words can be used again. Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav said that you must see the parallels between the third reich and what is going on here. She says she never thought she would have to come up against the same people again. Ilana Rachel Daniel, an Israeli from the USA, said in no uncertain terms people are being killed. Not only there but also here. While that is happening, you cannot have any other priority than stopping it. Afterwards, you can things about other matters.

Viviane Fischer: This is a vaccine attack against the people. Where people are not being told the whole story. There are no studies for children. Pregnant women are now increasingly suffering miscarriages. Children are now having problems after they’re born. We shouldn’t be represented as saying in our video as just saying, “democracy is great”. 

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: We don’t have to do a video. We are grassroots democrats and no matter where we come from, whether we are also otherwise socialist or conservative. Left or right. Suddenly everything has become so unimportant in view of the story that is happening right now! We have to eliminate this injustice. To create a space where our basic law is again being respected.

Viviane Fischer: We’re characterized as the only party critical of the measures. Then from where is coming the big uprising? There are mayors at the local level that say they are with us. There are so many people of courage who have stood with us. We have the expertise to discuss these matters, not just blablabla.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: I challenge the party, I challenge the founding board, I urge everyone in the party to take responsibility to prevent our broadcast minutes from being wasted on irrelevant issues. I am ready to speak clearly. That’s what the people expect from us. People are relying on us and that’s why I think that we shouldn’t give up on on it. We have to fight that the public image of our party is not changed by people who want something totally different than what we do.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s why we’re seeing panic attacks from the other side. It’s crumbling. In the last months, there have been exponentially more increasing attacks on us and our party. The origin of this behavior is that this party is the only party that attacks corona measures. This party has much more than just the capacity to represent 20% but also the party members, a very large number that have sat in silence on the sidelines so far but that I see in my own circle here suddenly say: “Man, I didn’t really believe it. I didn’t really want to know. Now I’m still skeptical, it’s everything you say . . .” It’s the potential of being a lot more than 20% or 30%. Let’s not diminish this potential because the game will go on until we finish it and we need to leverage the support of others to do that.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: I also see this in the medical profession. We have the submissive doctors who will do whatever the government wants. The medical profession is very divided. There are many who are profiting greatly from the measures and they are feeling fine as long as they get paid and go along with the script. There are many more, I am sure that are afraid of the consequences, that are afraid for their patients. There are many who doubt. There are very many who would say something if they were not afraid of being defamed. If they were not afraid of losing their jobs, as head physicians or doctors. There would be more whistleblowers if they were not afraid of being pushed into the public eye and called a “corona lunatic”. Every doctor knows that this virus is a disease that any doctor can judge. Any doctor can read numbers about mortality. They can read what the others have learned. It is imperative that doctors get the word out there. That the arguments are heard.