Why fascists prefer fake democracy

- and why they hate good kings and dictators.

A king is born to the job. A dictator takes the job somehow and may really benefit his people, as we saw with Napoleon.
This was why fascist elements were constantly plotting to assassinate Napoleon. It was difficult to do the good he wanted because of the heavy infiltration of his legislative bodies and also because the wars fascists were constantly generating to thwart the good he was doing. In other words, if there’s a crack in that door, infiltrators will swarm in.

The old system is worn out, the new system isn’t established yet.

The old system is worn out, the new system isn’t established yet.

Fascists find it most difficult to infiltrate the government of a good king who has the power to form a strong defense against them.
That’s why fascists push for fake democracy. It’s so porous that they can bribe it, especially once they’ve gotten control of a nation’s banking system.

History is the story of this happening over and over again. That’s why we are lied to about history. So we won’t figure it out until it’s too late. We are up against the same enemy generation after generation. Almost as if we’re dealing with eternal dark spirits possessing successive generations of certain bloodlines.
Bloodlines specifically bred to behave in an unusually brutal and predatory manner.
Maybe transhumanist robot hybrids would give these eternal dark spirits a vessel that might suit them as they could find a way to keep these vessels going through technology. It would probably require a lot of experiments on humans for them to get their vessels where they might want them. Maybe that is why fascists are so intent doing science experiments on humans every chance they get.

Practically, everything we are told is a lie to give them the advantage. This realm is much more supernatural than most people believe.

Lie number one we are told is that we will die without money.

Those who are very aligned with God do little for money and I don’t see them dying because of a lack of money. I don’t beg for money and somehow I still have what I need despite the big paralysis war of attrition mass suicide agenda being thrown at us.
I would recommend questioning everything and aligning with the Most High. It’s the way of holding one’s own against this dark element.

Fighting this constantly throughout my entire life is how I learned what they can and cannot do. They are MANY things they cannot do. They are not as powerful as they seem.

When society has been thrown severely off balance, a strong monarch endowed with the sacred fire of genuine populism - backed fully by the masses - can absolutely help restore order and fairness. Yes fascists will become aggressive towards this monarch but a population would need to close ranks in the interest of protecting this leader.
Democracy is an interesting form and it is very good in principle but it always has played into the hands of fascists. The founding fathers of the United States understood this. The amazing thing about computers and the internet is that the public can get a lot of transparency and perspective on what’s happening. Leaders face a lot of accountability right now. If a population doesn’t like the way their government is being run, they always have the ability to withdraw their support.

At this point, we are learning that the present governments are really just corrupt financial systems devised to only benefit fascists and those who play “nice” with then.

What if we had a global financial system where there were great advantages to being a part of us?
Our power would result from our solidarity, our productivity and our buying power but what if participation would not be compulsory? Then there would be advantages, strength and an easy way out. Most people want a strong leader who can help organize us so we can restore order and commerce and a fair money system.

We must absolutely be strong everywhere.It won’t be difficult because we are everywhere.

We must absolutely be strong everywhere.

It won’t be difficult because we are everywhere.