An effective treatment against influenza is Ivermectin and this information has been deliberately suppressed.

This piece explains how psyops trick the public via lobbyist and spy agency manipulation schemes.

Basically people want to believe that what they hope for is true and they are very prone to disregarding the truth if it’s not what they are hoping for. Psychological manipulators prey on this human tendency.

The link is here.

Transcendent Corruption & Corona Virus part one

Since the days of Edward Bernays adapting his uncle Sigmund Freud’s psychological principles to propaganda (euphemistically renamed ‘public relations’) for purpose of corporate advertising, the world’s populace has been exposed to what the intelligence agencies refer to as ‘psyops’ or “psychological operations.” In certain circumstance these operations are carefully designed to be supported by politicians in the intelligence agency sense of ‘backstopped’ or restated: Lying to the public requires unethical ‘convincing’ (lying to) a nation’s leadership to accomplish certain (greed driven) marketing objectives. Furthermore, this ‘culture’ can easily reflect what rogue CIA officer Phillip Agee had noted becomes a social-environmental phenomenon:

“You get so used to lying that, after awhile, it’s hard to remember what the truth is.” 

In short other words, capitalism’s lobbyist (public relations) infection creates a social-cultural environment where ‘truth’ becomes a ‘relative’ or incidental, accidental, or oftentimes, a deliberately concealed (depending on the level of awareness within the hierarchy) thing with little bearing on what has become a plasticized, or artificial, reality for the targets of larger psyops (populations.) [1]

The ‘psyops’ or psychology integrated to lobbyists’ presentations prepared for politicians are actually a necessary ‘pre-psyop’ to accomplish the larger psyops goal of manipulating a populace to ‘buy’ and it goes something like this hypothetical analysis of what is recently happening in Serbia:

“Patients … have started receiving a new drug against Covid-19, Bamlanivimab, which prevents further spread of the infection, that is, the progression of the disease from mild to severe…” [2]

Nowhere in this news presented at the Serbian media site is there any mention that

1) Bamlanivimab is an experimental drug that had been initially authorized for use against covid in the USA in December 2020 only because of a state of emergency; the drug has not been put through the necessary studies and medical trial procedures the law would normally require to protect the consumers.

Highlighted in the illustration (screenshot) from “It is not yet known if Bamlanivimab is a safe and effective treatment for any condition” [3]

2) Ivermectin, a cheap, generic drug, with a safety track record of 50 years use, had been shown in laboratory testing (April 2020 or a full year ago) to kill 99.8% of the covid 19 virus in 24 hours, but this medical fact is practically unknown to the Serbian medical community. Why?

Highlighted in the illustration (screenshot) from “The trials so far have shown ivermectin reduces the number of cell-associated viral RNA by 99.8 % in 24 hours” [4]

3) Following the (dated April 2020 in the above screenshot) ivermectin lab test result on covid, this drug was used in Peru and there was a DRAMATIC DROP in covid deaths, that is until there was a change in political administration and the use of ivermectin had been restricted, which saw a DRAMATIC HIKE in covid deaths [5]

4) Demand from top health professionals across the world pushing data at the World Health Organization to attempt authorizing the use of ivermectin merely elicits a promise of a ‘probe’, no matter the existing positive result indicated in multiple trails comes from some of the top specialists in the world (as government institutions like the USA’s Federal Food & Drug Administration drag their feet and demand large, time consuming studies)

Highlighted in the illustration (screenshot) from an MSN article on World Health Organization & ivermectin: American pulmonary and critical care specialist Pierre Kory, president of the Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) – a group of critical care specialists and published academic authors developing treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of Covid-19: “It is certainly another tool in the toolkit and we need everything we can to go after this pandemic. It’s not that I think that Ivermectin can help people. I know it helps people. The data is unmistakable and consistent. It shows quicker time to viral clearance, lower viral loads, faster times to recovery and lowered mortality rates” [6]

5) So, we have gone from “It is not yet known if Bamlanivimab is a safe and effective treatment for any condition” to the suppression of a known to be safe (fifty years) drug that is shown to beat covid. Why? A cheap generic drug (ivermectin) that is effective doesn’t make Eli Lilly (big pharma) money. The price of a experimental drug Bamlanivimab dose for covid? USD $1,250.

The price for an effective against covid dose of ivermectin? Over 95% less than Bamlanivimab

Yet Bamlanivimab is the national governments (not only in USA but following the USA’s lead) covid treatment of choice, even as the USA’s National Institute of Health allows (if not endorses) ivermectin as a covid treatment due to overwhelming pressure from medical professionals [7]

Highlighted in the illustration (screenshot) from the Blitz news site: “Safe, inexpensive, widely available, with a decades-long track record, and even a Nobel Prize attached to it, the drug recently cleared National Institute of Health (NIH) hurdles to be an allowed treatment for Covid-19. Frontline doctors using the drug to great success argue it needs to be adopted widely and rapidly”

“Transcendent Corruption” is legal but unethical and immoral gains that exacts a social price up to, and is inclusive of, unnecessary suffering and death. It is in a sense legalized murder with impunity. It works like this: ‘science’ is presented to politicians by psyops (public relations) trained parties in a culture of political lies where lobbyists simply point to the USA ‘approving’ (not mentioning under emergency powers, forgoing safety studies) the unproven, experimental drug Bamlanivimab and altogether remain silent on ivermectin. Because the politicians are dependent on the lobbyists money and associated power, whether in ‘legal’ form of donation (transcendent corruption’s method of bribe) or other forms of enrichment such as investment, they simply accept the lobbyists’ word and Eli Lilly (big pharma’s player in this case) makes immense amounts of money with a dice throw on the common citizens backs; where the citizens not only pay the outrageous sum for the unproven medicine with taxes, the citizens will, in the absence of safety studies, perhaps pay in future with their literal lives. In the case someone brings up ivermectin as a plausible alternative, the lobbyists will point to the USA’s Food and Drug Administration (or other governments & agencies) recommending against its use, as well the World Health Organization having not yet approved ivermectin’s use, and fail to mention the USA’s National Institute of Health allows the use of ivermectin and the many positive reviews for this safe, cheap drug in treating covid by medical professionals across the world.

Relevant to the preceding, in Serbia, Transcendent Corruption in media takes a twofold track; neither of which is good for the common people. 1) the ‘regime’ is attacked as corrupt by those Western style media outlets characterized as ‘opposition’ but in fact are funded by a ‘who’s who’ of color revolution instigators such as Soros, and the many usual suspects fronting for Western intelligence agencies, such as the several organizations functioning under the ‘umbrella’ (‘whorehouse’ would be the better noun) of USAID. Predictably, there should be little interest in raising awareness concerning ivermectin in these ‘opposition’ media venues pushing agendas for Western corporate capitalism and its oligarch minions, in this case, those associated with big pharma. 2) There will be little motivation for the ‘regime’ to correct its mistakes in a sea of political lies and raise awareness concerning ivermectin; where in circumstance of Transcendent Corruption, with a psyops (public relations) assist, the principal leaders assume a posture of (self) denial of the actual facts; the regime’s politicians will have actually convinced themselves they are doing what is good for the people (authorize Bamlanivimab) and state controlled media will not bite the hand that feeds them. This is cumulative result of psyops preying upon a frailty of human psychology per the observation of Thucydides 2,500 years past:

“It is the habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they would prefer not to examine”

Transcendent Corruption & Corona Virus part two