Elvis Costello’s Song List: Weird Nightmare.

The tone of this song should be all too familiar by now. All we have to do is stand together everywhere and say, “No”. That’s it. That’s how we escape this infernal capture of what could be a real human culture. Please help your friends understand this. We could easily establish a fair money system. We could help each other and trade with each other in a fair way if criminality were actually being suppressed. I go on about Napoleon in part because he was someone who actually suppressed crime and it was for that he eventually finally was murdered. We all need to stand up against crime. Most of us really do just want to get along and live in peace. That requires strength, courage and BOUNDARIES. Is the majority fed up enough yet? I think we’re getting there.

"Weird Nightmare"

Weird nightmare
You haunt my every dream
Weird nightmare
Tell me what's your scheme?
Can it be that you're a part
Of a lonely broken heart?

Weird nightmare
Why must you torment me?
Weird nightmare
Pain and misery
In a heart that's loved and lost
Take away the grief you've caused

Can't sleep at night
Twist, turn in fright
With the fear that I'll live it all again
In my dreams

You're there to haunt me
When you say she doesn't want me
I've been hurt
Do you know what that means?

Weird nightmare
Take away this dream you've born
Weird nightmare
Mend a heart that's torn
That has paid the price of love
A thousand fold
Bring me a love
With a heart of gold

Weird nightmare