It’s no secret we’re experiencing a lockdown on information. To offer an antidote, I’m going through interviews that have been conducted by lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team with lawyers from around the world who are fighting the suspension of our fundamental legal rights that have suddenly arisen in conjunction with the biggest media campaign I have ever seen.
In the first portion of this interview from the beginning of the video to around minute 28:10, we see Italian lawyer Renata Holzeisen describing the draconian measures that are being instituted top down by bankers and pharmaceutical companies either from the government or those connected to it.
Since my background is in journalism and media, I understand that in media basically one tows the line or one is fired. There is no question in my mind that most people in media are good people who want what’s best for others and are not interested in being pushed into becoming the enablers of a new third reich type extermination program.
Unfortunately we are all in a difficult position. Please consider this information carefully. I know a lot of media professionals read this blog. I took notes below for your convenience.
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Italian lawyer Renata Holzeisen says:
We are under a lot of pressure.
There are mandatory vaccines for health workers.
There is a close operation between lawyers from Germany, Austria, Italy, France and the Anglo-American countries.
There is or will be a pass for traveling even within the country and to enter bars and restaurants. The President of the Italian republic is a former Golden Sachs manager and central bankers are on the front lines of the government.
People feel very pressured.
Forced vaccination for health care workers have been mandatory since April 1. Thousands and thousands don’t want to be “vaccinated” and lawyers are defending them.
There’s no full authorization for these vaccines. For none of the 3. There’s only a conditional use authorization. Just like in the United Stares there’s only an emergency use authorization. Conditional use authorization only exists because there are no studies. Nobody knows about the full extent of risks. Nobody knows about the efficacy. No one knows about the adverse reactions. There’s lots of reports coming in from all over the world that there are very, very serious side effects - adverse effects including death. How can that be mandatory?
It’s a fundamental breach of the fundamental principles of law and of rights. It’s a breach of the Nuremberg Code. It’s obvious. They go on until we are able to stop them in the courts. We are ready to take every legal step to stop them.
We are trying to inform every member of the Parliament that this mandatory vaccination program was signed by an order of the Italian Government signed by Mr. Draghi. There is a push to make forced vaccinations passed into law.
So called vaccines are experimental. All three vaccines put people’s health at risk and increase the chance of death. We also saw on official data that they are trying to force these “vaccines” on children. They’re not authorized for children.
The link is here.
All the Italian health workers who don’t want to be vaccinated will join this action.
On the other side we have the European Commission which is supported by the pharmaceutical producers. We will have 1,000s of health workers on 1 side and the European Commission, backed by the pharmaceutical producers on the other side.
The actions for the movement are based on very high level scientific records of experts regarding the very concerning risks people are facing when they are treated with these so called vaccines. We are addressing the fundamental breach of European Law.
We are in a situation where we European citizens obviously no longer have the guaranteed protection of our health. We are used as objects or subjects on which the pharmaceutical industry is making the studies. They haven’t done this before.
Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says:
Because the studies haven’t been done, we are now the guinea pigs. A number of doctors have stated including a video by a Dr. Hotze from Houston, Texas says that this isn’t a even a vaccine but rather it’s a therapeutic experiment. We’re talking about genetic therapeutic products.
There’s no clear evidence of the efficacy. We don’t know how effective it is and there’s lots, LOTS, more and more coming in that it is dangerous. A couple of days ago came in a report from the United States that there are now studies that include children. One of the infants was a healthy 2 year old, she was in perfect health and now she’s dead.
Lawyer Renata Holzeisen says:
She is living under a 9 p.m. curfew. There’s testing in the schools. Most of the judges aren’t willing to study the problem. They are executors of governmental orders. We see a grave lack of democracy. The system of justice is not working. We only have a few judges who are doing their job - who are applying constitutional law - who are aware of fundamental rights and liberties - who are willing to enter into scientific considerations and read what experts say.
There are prosecutors who are not doing their job. We hope to find judges willing play their role in a democracy to uphold our rights.
Most of the judges are lacking in accurate information so they need to be informed. Most judges don’t want to go against “mainstream” thinking.
Lawyers who are willing to fight for fundamental rights need to join with other lawyers.
Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says:
A very basic problem is the lack of information and the lack of information that exists because the mainstream media are under the control of the same people who control the pharmaceutical and tech industry so they have no interest in letting people know what is really going on.
They have no interest in educating the people about the side effects. If that weren’t the case probably many more lawyers would take on these cases. Many of these lawyers would probably realize the importance of fighting this if they have children of their own who are endangered and they don’t know it because they don’t have the information.
Lawyer Renata Holzeisen says:
We all know the abuse of the PCR test is the center of the problem. We started to bring this topic into the courts autumn of last year. Zero attention was paid to it. Now that vaccination is being pushed certain Italian mainstream media is interested in reporting on it.
Because mandatory vaccines for health workers will obviously become mandatory for everyone, even journalists are starting to become interested in reporting on this. Because they hear there’s been a lot of deaths. There’s also a lot of suspicions within the army because of the adverse effects.