The following describes media mind control - funded by the most wealthy - in action.
The first thing we notice: University students learn very early on that our "leading media" does not inform them truthfully.
When it comes to the daily manipulation by the media, the university magazine writes:
Through language alone, the media manipulates our perception. This even occurs in surveys that should actually be serving the purpose of finding out what the majority thinks.
The political barometer (Politbarometer) used by ZDF is a sad example of this. However, wherever opinion is increasingly being manufactured by the media and simply accepted by its users, democracy is in danger.
The manipulation of how opinion is formed begins with biased language. We can also see how this is used in articles of objective genres in the so-called quality media like the SZ (Süddeutsche Zeitung) or FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).
Excuse me? Students at universities today are being warned that public broadcasting stations such as ZDF or that supposedly prestigious newspapers are manipulating the people? This provides us with some deep insight.
According to a study done by the University of Mainz, which was reported by the political magazine Cicero in 2014, ZDF is even responsible for publishing polls that led to the Free Democratic Party (FDP) losing their seats in the Bundestag.
Only four (!) percent of viewers believe that they are better informed thanks to ZDF. And only five percent of Germans under 30 watch ARD (Germany's first public television station) - but this state-funded broadcaster collects more than 7.7 billion euros a year in mandatory television licensing fees.
As we will see in the chapter "Case Histories from the Propaganda Front," they also engage in the direct manipulation of German public opinion on behalf of the ruling political parties.
I, myself, used to work for the renowned "quality media," at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). Honestly: Today, I am ashamed of this.
As we shall see, my reporting wasn't independent. It wasn't unbiased. It wasn’t and still isn’t neutral. The truth from my point of view: Sometimes I was even bribed for my reporting.
In other cases, it coincided with the interests of a particular network. As we shall see, I was even officially deciared an honorary citizen of the State of Oklahoma by its Governor while I worked for the FAZ – just so that my reporting would be pro-American.
Later, I will describe that in more detail. The FAZ was pleased with my honorary citizenship. At the time, a lot of things were considered natural at the FAZ that I find to be more than problematic today.
Looking back, it all seems like a fraud in my opinion – the readers were actually paying money for the "information" in the FAZ.
I can't change what I have done, but I can tell the reader about what's really going on out there in the media: The bigger the BS the "quality media" dishes out, the thicker they lay on the buzzwords and catch phrases to cover the stench.
Today, what we find in the media boardrooms is a kind of megalomaniacal way of thinking. The way I see things, nothing is really being questioned anymore, instead, all that counts are money and perks.
Many years ago I published a bestseller on the media business: How Journalists Lie (So lügen Journalisten (not available in English)).
A related link is here.
However, once you read the following chapter, you will never look at the “leading media" in the same light again.
After all, this is a media establishment that has led the German-speaking world into unimaginable suffering over the last few years.
One example would be our financial woes. As we will see, they tricked us into believing that the euro would be a strong currency with a glorious future.
They even did this against the will of a people who wanted to keep the D-Mark and the Schilling.
The people on the streets are still footing the bill for this today, their savings are vanishing right before their eyes.
Today, we are paying for the devastating financial consequences of this manipulation. The same thing goes for the financial crash that our mainstream media didn't want to see coming as they kept the Champagne corks popping on the business pages.
Only one editor-in-chief of a business newspaper, Lionel Barber, formerly of the Financial Times Deutschland, ever publicly apologized to his readers.
He admitted that his paper neither saw nor understood the financial crisis on the horizon and that he gave his readers incorrect information up until every average person on the street was already experiencing the financial crisis up close and personal."
The Financial Times Deutschland, however, which publicly excused itself for its ineptitude, has gone out of business in the meantime.
We, the people, aren't just paying a high financial price for this manipulation by the leading media either. The body count is devastating as well.
This is because our popular media is painting a very clear image of the enemy: Russia. The evil Russians and the good Americans, that is the predominant view.
This is a psyop, a psychological warfare tactic.
Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
The link is here.
Wikipedia may also be a psychological operations. My entry was taken down after I helped expose some things.
Where wars were once fought by soldiers, they are now waged by the media.
Many people recognize that the media is planting this bogeyman in our minds. Once respectable newspapers like the FAZ are now regularly referred to as the "yellow press" and "disgusting warmongers."
Based on his extensive studies, the Austrian conflict expert, Dr. Kurt Gritsch, also accuses our traditional, "quality newspapers" of being "warmongers." He writes:
Dr. Kurt Gritsch
Do you like to read the newspaper? And if so, are you also one of the many who enjoys reading the traditional broadsheets like the "FAZ." the "Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ)," the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" or "Die Zeit"?
I admit: I do not. Not since I figured out, over the course of many years, that this is where the journalistic preparations for war take place (...) It is warmongering, and should be characterized as such.
This rabble-rousing and warmongering recently reared its head in a display of historic proportions after the Malaysia Airlines passenger flight (MH-17) crashed in eastern Ukraine in mid-July of 2014.
The link is here.
The wreckage had barely hit the ground before an opinion cartel was spreading the "news" everywhere that Russia was behind the crash.
The Bild newspaper was way out at the front of this psychological manipulation of the German populace.
"Does EU only stand for 'Egregiously Useless?" asked the paper within days of the crash, claiming a rocket from Moscow had killed the 298 people on board.
At the time, it was definitely not yet clear who had owned or who had fired the rocket. 30 complained about the "uselessness" of the EU in standing up to Russia, American intelligence services were even stating that they didn't have any evidence of "Russian complicity" in the crash."
It soon became clear that the Americans, unlike the German media, had good reason to exercise caution.
In this book we will tackle the question, all plane crashes aside, of why the leading media in Germany are purveying alarmingly one-sided propaganda and disinformation (psyops), which sometimes leads directly into outright warmongering.
We will also take a closer look at the media scientist Uwe Krüger's work and see why his studies of the German media led him to the alarming realization of how the "quality media" in the German-speaking world is being intellectually controlled by the EU, the arms industry, NATO and the USA."
Uwe Krüger
When you look back at the articles today, you can understand the statements made by the scientists Krüger and Gritsch.
Many years ago, under the headline, "Cowardice in the Face of the Public," the FAZ published lines like: "Germany can no longer afford to be a geopolitical bystander."
The message in the article, at least as I understood it: We need to send even more German soldiers to Afghanistan. Much to the delight of the arms industry, NATO, and the political and financial elite, our mainstream media doesn't just report on the combat missions taking place in Afghanistan.
Can you see genocide against us is being launched from a bought international media?
These opinion-makers are echoing Germany's pro-American political elite, just as they did when the Americans invaded Iraq.
Ready and willing, they sugarcoated the “revolutions" in North Africa and the Middle East that the USA wanted.
Go along with what “they” are all saying at your peril.
They promised us peace and democracy there if we all just joined in the choir controlled from Washington loudly enough.
Since then, however, all we have gotten is more and more terror and hate... and dead and horribly wounded soldiers coming back from foreign deployments.
After our warmongers in the press fanned the fires consuming the Middle East, they continued by unabashedly crying out for “war" in Ukraine and on the Crimean Peninsula.
They also wanted to "make a military statement" on NATO's eastern border with Russia. As we will see, American propaganda organizations were pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Thanks to their interdependence with US lobbies, our mainstream media functions as the extended arm of the NATO press office, the arms industry and a small clique of leading politicians. We will illustrate this in detail.