Many, many things can be fixed or healed in this way.
Clearly humanity faces a pandemic.
Either we learn how to fight it or it will be the end for us.
What would happen if we united and removed proven genocidal psychopaths from the levers of power from which they prey on us?
We might be able to heal and live again.
Together with courage and alignment with God we really could do it.
Their puppets are the ones standing at the levers of power and they are fairly easy to identify and expose. They can be pulled out one by one if we really stood together to get it done.
Blackmailed and bribed puppets can be removed through exposure of their criminality.
How is this being tolerated by everyone else in the room while this behavior is going on? Who are these people? We are being disgraced and humiliated for tolerating this. What does this man do off camera?
The citizens of the United States selected this individual as their leader? Of course not.
It’s on us though for allowing it and we all know that.
Children shouldn’t be molested by politicians EVER.
They should not be molested by anyone EVER.
We’re all being abused and it needs to stop.