A moving video about how we must stand up for ourselves and our communities.

Lawyer Tom Renz makes his case about the astonishing loss of rights and psychological warfare campaign.
The link is here.

This video was censored by YouTube.

Such corporate state censorship is heretofore unprecedented. Think of it: that testimony before the Legislative Branch of a State Government—a process of democratic governance conducted in public in the hallowed halls of this Constitutional Republic—is quashed by private power. It is unspeakable, unacceptable, and intolerable that such autocratic power is by the day destroying Constitutional freedoms of speech, of thought, of communication, of governance of, by, and for the people. Did the women and men who fought and died in World War II to preserve this union die in vain? More than 40 years ago in Four Arguments For The ELIMINATION Of Television (1977), Jerry Mander laid out Eight Ideal Conditions for the Flowering of Autocracy. Tragically evermore relevant today, study this brief list. Consider the summaries of the eight conditions. How far has our society advanced down the road of autocratic rule?

  1. Eliminate personal knowledge.

  2. Eliminate points of comparison.

  3. Separate people from each other.

  4. Unify experience, especially encouraging mental experience at the expense of sensory experience.

  5. Occupy the mind.

  6. Encourage drug use.

  7. Centralize knowledge and information.

  8. Redefine happiness and the meaning of life in terms of new and increasingly unrooted philosophy.

The text above was copied from here.