Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice. Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Jean-Pierre Joseph who has been fighting mask mandates. He has also been fighting the suppression of useful therapies and standing up for relatives of wrongful death victims. Mr. Joseph is calling for lawyers in France to rise up to challenge the seizure of human rights in his country. To watch this man speak, start the video at minute 28:57.
I transcribed an approximate representation of the interview below.
Lawyer Jean Pierre Joseph
Jean Pierre Joseph: I’m pleased to meet you.
Viviane Fischer: So what’s the situation in France?
Jean Pierre Joseph: It’s not good. We’re going to erase many actions. First. we’re filing a class action lawsuit against abusive confinement on the basis of the PCR Test. The hearing will take place on the 6th of May at the civil court of Paris. We have about 1,003 applicants.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Wow.
Viviane Fischer: Wow.
Jean Pierre Joseph: We have prepared a national review to attack the order of medical doctors to threaten to withdraw their authorization to practice. We knew since the beginning that there were other at least 3 therapies that everybody knew about to treat covid, artemisia annua, hydrochloroquine and ivermecktin. The government refused to authorize these therapies and all were forbidden.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s very interesting Jean Pierre because that is precisely the same story that we’re hearing from the United States and from other countries. That all of these alternative medications were basically banned, more or less.
Jean Pierre Joseph: I know that, yes. The order of the doctors, especially the president, at each time a doctor wanted to prescribe one of these therapies, it was forbidden, they were told that we don’t have the right to give this prescription. If you do it you will be pressured before the special court of the doctors. So we have prepared some criminal complaints. First one is a normal complaint for a patient who has survived but who considers that they have been poorly treated. This is a normal complaint. And a doctor who has been threatened. This is a criminal complaint because these doctors will say due to that many patients were killed. And the third one for families who have lost someone, a loved one: a husband, a wife, a son, a father, a grandfather and so on. It is also a criminal complaint against the president of National Doctors Order and this will this be launched next week. We hope that many many people will join us, doctors, patients, families, we are expecting hundreds of thousands of persons.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s excellent. You are cooperating with Jean Luc?
Jean Pierre Joseph: (laughs) Yes, everyone knows Jean Luc! Myself, I had another idea. In my town, now I live in Grenoble since a long time.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I didn’t know that France has class actions. Is that really a class action?
Jean Pierre Joseph: Yes. In my town, I am going to raise an action, a special action in which I ask the president of the civil court to authorize about 100 persons to not to wear the mask on the street. This action has no precedent so I don’t know how it will turn out. I hope that in neighboring courts, a lot of my colleagues will do the same. I have contacted some colleagues connected with nearby courts, those of Valence, Chambéry, Avignon and Lyons. The purpose is to raise actions before all the civil courts of France.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That makes a lot of sense. That is precisely what we’re trying to do here. Do you have enough colleagues who will cooperate with you. How many lawyers are there in France -
Jean Pierre Joseph: I’m not sure exactly. I have some colleagues who are interested but most of the are - afraid - of the virus (laughs). They believe the virus will kill them so they wear the mask up to the eyes.
Viviane Fischer: So what’s the general situation in France. Do you have a lockdown?
Jean Pierre Joseph: We have lockdown until next Monday, then we will have to go to bed at 7 o’clock.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Is that so?
Jean Pierre Joseph: I don’t respect that.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Do people respect that and if they don’t - are the police? You may have seen pictures of the German police, or in Brussels or in the Netherlands. In some instances, not many, but some members of the police are extremely brutal when it comes to going after the people who in their view violate these rules and regulations. Do you have that is France too?
Jean Pierre Joseph: It depends on the town. In Grenoble, they control just a bit, not very much. Myself I go home at about 10 o’clock, sometimes 11 o’clock. I don’t meet any control.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: The reality is that if we all of us stood up and decided we’re not going to put up with this anymore, of course there’s not enough police. There’s not enough soldiers. There’s not enough of the other side to control us. People have to understand this. What is the feeling in France? Is it the same as in Germany, that most people keep quiet. And there’s a very small but vocal minority.
Jean Pierre Joseph: Yeah, we are sheep.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What’s the percentage of the population? What do you estimate is the percentage of the population that are really not in agreement with what’s going on.
Jean Pierre Joseph: Difficult to estimate but for the moment I think that a lot of being are still afraid of the virus. I don’t wear the mask in the street. I see them walking hunched over, not vertical. Sometimes they cross to the other side of the street which is funny. Sometimes a police car stops to let me cross the street and I’m not wearing a mask and I say “thank you!”
Viviane Fischer: Maybe it’s their secret form of resistance by the police. Maybe they are quite aware of the nature of the situation.
Jean Pierre Joseph: It’s like in Germany. The same situation.
Viviane Fischer: We have a lot of people without masks. In Berlin, there’s a lot of people who don’t wear masks who populate the playgrounds. There’s a huge amount of people who just don’t care anymore.
Jean Pierre Joseph: I think the ones responsible are the newspapers.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Of course. So that’s the same story all over the world. It’s the media through which they try to control the narrative. The narrative which creates fear and that’s why most people are still in fear. I’m not sure if so many people here really are in agreement with the government. Many just don’t say anything and many wear their masks just because they don’t want any trouble but that doesn’t mean they agree with what’s going on.
Jean Pierre Joseph: I had a discussion with someone who said “wear your mask, hide your nose”. I responded that I have a long nose and they became angry with me. But I don’t care because I practiced 40 years of martial arts.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Thank you Jean Pierre for giving us these insights of what’s going on in France. I’ve heard a lot about what’s going on in France and there are a lot of legal efforts underway from talking to Jean Luc and I believe that if we keep our forces combined, Germans, French, the Italians, the Austrians who are making very good progress and if we exchange our decision plus of course the expert opinions on which these legal opinions rest then I think we are on track and eventually this may happen sooner than many people believe - we will get the public interested in what’s really going on. Once that happens, the tide will turn. Once people begin to ask questions, the tide will turn.
Viviane Fischer: We had an important ruling from a Weimar judge. He ruled that the masks, the tests and the social distancing, 1.5m distance between the children were all unlawful and he based his opinion on 3 expert statements that were very long and extended on which the judge based his decision. We can provide you with the experts. This was the first time worldwide that a judge looked at the experts. He came to the conclusion that this is all really unlawful. It’s also really interesting that it’s a political agenda -
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: You probably are aware that they went after this judge. They searched him. They search his home, his office, his car, they seized his cell phone and I think his computer. I think that was a very strong gesture to show the public - not just the German public - and as a warning sign to show the international judicial community - the judges in particular - don’t do this because if you do this, this is what will happen to you. It’s also to show all of the people who want to protect the children - all of the parents. Because children are in the focus of what the other side is doing right now. It’s all about the children. To show, “Don’t do this. Don’t go to a court of law to protect your children because we are going to go after you next.” That’s what I think that action is meant to tell us. But at the same time this action is waking up many other people who may have been on the side of the government more or less but are now realizing that something really strange is going on because this has never really happened before. This is the first such decision that was based on the actual hearing of evidence of expert opinions. The other 2 from Portugal and Vienna were excellent decisions but this is the first based on real evidence and that is why this is so dangerous because the rest of the world can use it. And the rest of the world is using it.