Dr. Reiner Fuellmich describes his lawsuit involving 100s of lawyers who are tackling a shadowy group who are defrauding the world.

The link is here.

Why isn’t this on YouTube?

For people who don’t like watching videos I took down notes of what Dr. Fuellmich was saying but it’s very interesting to listen to him if you have the time:

What’s happening is an agenda.

The global corporations involved meet at the World Economic Forum.

The WEF is one of the most important meeting places for them.

Drosten invented the PCR test without ever seeing the virus.

Various people needed this emergency.

The final result was to get everyone vaccinated.

It’s not a vaccine, it’s an experimental gene therapy.

They needed a health emergency of national concern to give this drug a conditional use approval.

Drosten tests created false positives. They needed to false positives to declare the emergency.

They installed lot of puppets in strategic positions. There’s a lot of puppets installed but a lot are about to fall. They’re going after Fauci. He may be finally fired.

In France parts of the military are extremely angry and worried. Within the next 2 or 3 weeks things are going to happen.

I’m 1 of 200 or 300 lawyers working world wide.

This has nothing to do with health.

The financial collapse is the purpose of it.

Population control is the goal. Which will be achieved through “vaccines”.

Destruction of the middle class. That’s what‘a really going on. While people are looking at corona this is what’s happening. Our class action lawsuit is for small and medium size businesses.

These lockdowns are based on a faulty PCR test.

Genocide is the goal here. Genocide is part of the agenda all of these people are following.

The mainstream media is also the recipient of a lot of money. Klaus Schwab invested a lot of money into the media. None of the experts we have talked to [Dr. John Ioannidis Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Dolores Cahill] would be invited onto talk shows.

How is it the government which is supposed to take care of us only listening to one person, Drosten, a totally discredited person? But they didn’t listen to anyone else.

The reaction is to call [Ioannidis, Yeadon and Cahill] nazis. It shows they’re afraid the rest of the people will catch on. Yeadon had someone impersonating him on Twitter making racist remarks. They keep saying right wing Nazi Nazi. They have nothing else.

All these adverse effects are very hard to hide. It’s reaching the mainstream media. Some 30 people died after vaccination per day. More people have died than from all of the other vaccinations in history combined, only 1 percent is being reported. The real numbers are much higher. We’re getting reports like this from everywhere. 260 times more people die after the shots than from the virus.

Thd result of the Nuremberg trials is the notion of informed consent. With all of these experiments that means that medical intervention is only legal if the patient consents and is informed. All of the people who got these shots should have been informed that this is not a vaccine but experimental gene therapy and that there’s no study behind this. People have not been informed this is an experiment. They are guinea pigs.

This is worse than the Third Reich because this involves everyone. The people responsible have no empathy. They only care about money and power. It is clear the danger of the injection outweighs the virus.

Lots of us [fighting] are targets. I feel I don’t have a choice. All of us have to fight this. This is truly a fight of good against evil. I do have protection. This is dangerous but it’s meant to happen this way. I have a task to fulfill.

The people pulling Fauci’s strings will throw him under the bus. I know he played a strange role during the AIDS career. All this corruption is coming out. It’s a shock how many are corrupt but it’s all coming out. They know the PCR test is their Achilles heel.