My streams were taken down but they’re back up now.

I like to keep a record of the strange things that occur to my art streams on YouTube. Both of these streams probably stayed up longer recently than they ever have before. About a week. Other people’s streams have been up for months and even over a year. We can keep guessing who has the power and motivation to mess with my streams and why they do it and it only makes my art streams more interesting. What’s more interesting - a beautiful stream? Or a beautiful stream that has shadowy hands harassing it - beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt.

Now on my Macbooks, either the streams won’t play or they come in blurry. I welcome all counter moves by my adversaries as I believe they are operating well outside the bounds of the law and I feel what they do exposes them, how they operate and the nature of what they’re hiding and that their dominion can only continue through public ignorance about them.

I always humbly request that if you do like my work and if you do believe my work is being unfairly harassed, might you consider letting my harassers know how you feel about what’s being done to all of us? It’s not about me, it’s about US.

Signed into to my main Tanster Channel account, it shows my 2 streams running and in focus but clicking on them leads to no video.

Signed into to my main Tanster Channel account, it shows my 2 streams running and in focus but clicking on them leads to no video.

When I’m signed into my main Tanster Channel account my streams just won’t play anymore. I have to sign into a different account to see the streams come up - blurry.

When I’m signed into my main Tanster Channel account my streams just won’t play anymore. I have to sign into a different account to see the streams come up - blurry.

Though my stream won’t play anymore the alien story the media has been pushing shows up. From various outlets with apparently huge numbers of views. That plays right away, clear and in focus.

Though my stream won’t play anymore the alien story the media has been pushing shows up. From various outlets with apparently huge numbers of views. That plays right away, clear and in focus.

Does this mean the ones messing with my content would much prefer it if the people interested in my work wouldy rather focus on that alien story?

Does this mean the ones messing with my content would much prefer it if the people interested in my work wouldy rather focus on that alien story?

The blurriness situation has been going on for months and I don’t see this happening to anyone else.

The blurriness situation has been going on for months and I don’t see this happening to anyone else.

The more we resist, the more the hidden hand has to expose itself.It helps people under mind control finally see beyond their programming.

The more we resist, the more the hidden hand has to expose itself.

It helps people under mind control finally see beyond their programming.

We are many and they are few. They can only run after so many of us at the same time.

They are humiliating themselves by harassing rainbow sparkle streams.

They are humiliating themselves by harassing rainbow sparkle streams.

Our side has a lot of creative people and lawyers and their side has a lot of very audacious criminals who cannot withstand any scrutiny whatsoever.

Our side has a lot of creative people and lawyers and their side has a lot of very audacious criminals who cannot withstand any scrutiny whatsoever.